Sunday, January 12, 2014

Safe Sleep Positions - A Pregnancy Must-Know

During pregnancy most women experience diminishing sleep or irregular sleep patterns. Factors that contribute to this are :

1. Increasing size of the abdomen
2. Backache
3. Acid reflux
4. Breathlessnes
5. Frequent need for urination
6. Fetal movements (especially the 3rd trimester onwards)

While the last one is beyond one's control, we can regulate the remaining factors by practicing correct sleeping positions. Most doctors agree that the best position for a pregnant women is the Sleep-On-Side position (especially on the left side).This takes off any pressure on the major blood vessels like the aorta and inferior vene cava caused by the increasing weight of the abdomen.To make things more comfortable, one is advised to slightly bend the legs and rest a pillow between them.

If suffering from acid reflux, it is advisable to raise the upper body by placing a few pillows beneath the torso. Ditto for breathing problems. Similarly, to alleviate backache one must place another pillow beneath the abdomen so that it does not exert pressure on the back muscles.

It goes without saying that sleeping on the back or on the stomach is a no-no during pregnancy. While it can get uncomfortable lying down on the stomach especially after a few weeks of pregnancy, lying down on the back can be downright harmful. It reduces blood circulation and diminish the amount of nutrients that reach the baby. This position also reduces the efficiency of the kidneys which results in swelling of the hands, feet and ankles ( due to the accumulation of fluids ). For some expectant women, this position also leads to dizziness or even snoring (Uggh...sounds mortifying but take heart, it disappears after baby is born).

However Mother nature has her own means of taking care of the baby. Which means that it gets up and kicking (Real have to experience this to believe) before any harm can be done. Though Nature has this defense system in place, the Sleep-On-Side position should be practiced from the early months of pregnancy.

Some simple tips to get better sleep :

1. Take a warm water bath just before getting into bed.
2. Avoid too many fluids as it increases to need to visit the bathroom.
3. Listen to some soothing music and take care to keep those gadgets out of reach.
4. Indulge in some soothing back/feet massage (courtesy your partner).
5. Read a nice book (something soothing like Danielle Steele not those edgy thriller types).

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