Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why Pallavi Dhawan needs all the support she can muster

Motherhood is perhaps the most celebrated role ever discovered. And it is touted to be to the acme of every woman's life as per the Indian culture. But few understand (or even make an effort) the trials and tribulations a women undergoes when she assumes a responsibility of such proportions.

Apart from the emotional (Read hormonal) highs and lows, motherhood takes a physical and mental toll on a woman. While sleepless nights, the need to be on guard 24 x 7 and additional household responsibilities drain a women of all her physical energy, additional factors like an absentee partner, lack of emotional support and loss of financial independence/social stimulation (if she has to quit her job to care for the baby) turn her into a time-bomb waiting to explode.

The above condition is often termed as postpartum depression ( more commonly known as baby blues ) but I wanted to take a more holistic view of the changes that a woman's life undergoes after having a baby. And it will be a generalized view keeping in mind that I do not hold a psychiatrist or a medical degree.

Some of the symptoms to look out for postpartum depression:
1. Anxiety
2. Unable to connect with the baby or people surrounding you
3. Weight gain/loss which is significant
4. Loss of sleep/concentration/energy
5. Feelings of low self-esteem
6. Thoughts of suicide or harming the baby
7. Affected problem solving ability

The above symptoms should ideally get over by the 2nd week after delivery. But if they persist for any longer, one should consult the doctor.

I really do not know why I chose Pallavi Dhawan as the talking point of this article. And I am not trying to jump into any conclusions about whether she did it or not. Also I am not trying to say that she was suffering from postpartum depression (Heck..I even do not know if it can linger for such duration). For some reason the predicament of the 30 something mother from Frisco who is accused of murdering her 10 year old son made me write this article. It is sad to see that a former NASA programmer who quit her job to care for her baby has to face such a heart-wrenching murder charge.

Few people try to fathom the emotional upheavals that a career woman undergoes when she has to quit a job and care for her baby. Loss of freedom, financial independence and lack of social stimulation have a big impact on her self esteem. Quite a few women feel unworthy and try to make up for it by establishing themselves as good mothers. But a wailing/colicky baby is quite a handful and more. And at times this feeling of total helplessness/desperation demonstrates itself in such horrendous ways. But there are signs which indicate whether a woman is suffering from such depression and I am sure they would be present in case of this lady too ( if at all she suffers from it).

In a way this article is more relevant for the family members of a woman who has recently delivered a baby and seems to be quite out of sorts. They need to recognize such behavioral deviations and address the issue at hand. It is nothing that some counselling and emotional support cannot tackle.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ovulation Date : How to get it right ?

Ovulation is the act of releasing the mature egg or 'Ovum' by one of the ovaries. Since it is the best time ( Ok..THE ONLY TIME ) to get pregnant, it is important for young couples to keep a track of it. Whether you are trying to conceive or avoiding it.

Since the ovum remains viable only for a window of 12 to 24 hours after its release, couples planning for a baby need to time their intercourse 2-3 days prior to the expected ovulation date. That is because the sperm can stay alive and kicking up to a period of 5 days ( but we will take it as 3 to be on the safer side ).

Knowing the exact date of ovulation would be quite ideal but since it is rather tough to predict, we can follow the below mentioned guidelines to find the most probable 2-3 days when chances of getting pregnant happen to be the highest:

1. Keep a track of your basal temperature. A specially designed temperature can be used to measure the basal temperature every morning upon waking up and before getting out of bed. Since the basal temperature records an immediate increase (about half a degree)when the ovum is released, it can be monitored to predict the day when ovulation occurs during each cycle.

2. Keep a check on your vaginal discharge. The discharge tends to be more around the time of ovulation and it has a clear appearance and is quite stretchy if you feel it with your hands (Very different from the thick gummy discharge that one has immediately after the periods). Other than lubricating the vagina for comfortable intercourse, it also carries the sperms to the egg.

3. Notice any pain in the lower abdomen around the expected date of ovulation. This is also called 'ovulation pain' and occurs either on the left or right side (depends on the ovay from which the egg was released).

4. Revisit your high school biology books. Ideally ovulation should occur between the 12-14th day of a menstrual cycle (which is 28 days long). Since a menstrual cycle varies from 23-35 days i different women, the ovulation date would vary accordingly.

5. Get a Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK). They measure the hormone (Luteinizing hormone) levels in your urine and give a positive result 1-2 days before you ovulate. But for women with an irregular cycle, it might take more than 1 kit/month  to predict the ovulation date. Also they do not work well if one is undergoing any fertility treatment.
Plus they are quite costly ( Rs 500 approx for 1 kit having 5 strips ). Buy it on or

[Note - To use a ovulation predictor kit one has to keep some points in mind.

1. Best time to take the test is sometime around noon or in the afternoon.

2. Do not drink too much water 3-4 hours prior to taking test. Diluted urine may not show proper levels of the LH.

3. Best to try and take the test around the same time everyday.

4. Compare your results with the control band. If lighter line or no line appears, then it is negative. For a positive result, the line should be of equal or darker intensity than that of the control.]